Youth football zone blocking pdf

This offseason, however, i received requests to explain the scheme again. The zone run in american football is a running play based on zone blocking. Sep 16, 2014 an indepth look at miami dolphins 2 vs. Zone blocking works great in the nfl with world class athletes, but like the 25 yard out pattern or the 55 yard field goal, it doesnt translate well into the youth level. The two skills you want to improve with youth football offensive line drills are drive blocking and pass blocking. We are still not perfect and i would always love to get our blocks to the second line of the defense more, but we are succeeding at most of our blocking goals. The power spread offense old school power football with the new school spread beauty. The premise behind the wingt is that seriesbased football keeps the defense guessing for.

The aiming point for the runningbacks remain about the same. The foundational play of his offense is the insidezone run. Once that is established and the defense is flowing fast to the sideline, the offense comes back with the. Once linemen have sound blocking fundamentals, they are ready to move on to basic 2on2 zone blocking drills. Understanding the down, gap, and cover blocks wingt youth. The penalty for clipping and blocking below the waist is 15 yards. The only run through scenario that has been problematic over the years is the playside inside linebacker in a 44 front. I believe its the most versatile scheme in all of football because of all of the tags you can incorporate into it. Thats how i use inside zone as my only running scheme.

When teaching young athletes this rule they often want to block the man over them even when there is a man in their gap, but if you apply the rule. Sure, some teams have chosen to man block the play, 73. We are always going to pull to get numbers at the point of attack or trap, but we arent going to expect all of our linemen to do that, they wont have to in our scheme. Alex gibbs did not invent the zone blocking scheme. Teach three adjacent offensive linemen to block in tandem against three defensive players.

In a 25year career as an offensive line coach and clinician for youth, high school and college coaching staffs, i have come to one conclusion. For example, they think if the 3technique shifts to a 1. In all, i recommend these 15 plays to you as a complete, powerful youth offense. Whats most effective about teaching this methodology is that the front that the defense presents is irrelevant.

Different coaches will use different terminology for this rule. For the very first time this past season i taught zone blocking to offensive linemen running an optionbased system. The basics of auburns inside zone run college and magnolia. Not working out blocking assignments for each play against each defense not trying to put the best players in blocking positions not. Another big phase of the fly offense is its use of the no. Because of neglect and incompetence by the coaches.

For the last several seasons i have been playing around with many different youth football blocking rules, schemes and calls to advanced our youth football offensive line blocking. The origins of this offense come from the split back misdirection offense that we ran while i was a player under coaching great, dale mueller at highlands high school. Pass protection technique we use fan principle man zone. Its the best way for youth players to maximize their power and block with a low profile. Now, before you get too comfortable, there is a third option the gap blocking scheme. Jul 25, 2014 alex gibbs did not invent the zone blocking scheme. In zone blocking, you dont have a lot of different assignments, but you have a lot of techniques.

There are nearly as many different opinions on zone blocking as there are people who have heard of. Coaches speak of great run blockers blowing the defender off the ball, actually driving the defender back toward his own goal line. Turn on your film and count how many times you blame the kids for missing a block. Offensive line drills how to teach zone blocking with the sled. The shotgun formation compliments the running game in kellys offense. In a 25year career as an offensive line coach and clinician for youth, high. Just like the inside zone, the outside zone utilizes a full zone scheme. Many coaches will fall into the trap of having several different blocking schemes.

As an offensive line coach one of my favorite football practice drills is the 2 on 2 zone blocking drill. Many zone teams begin by focusing on the outside zone. Zone blocking involves offensive linemen blocking defenders within an area, rather than blocking assigned defensive players. Teams have way too many running plays with varying blocking schemes in their offenses.

Design your scheme and blocking rules to match and reflect the blocking techniques youre asking the offensive players to execute. Outside zone blocking author steve parker posted on february 9, 2009 categories offense tags blocking, coaching youth football, coaching youth football offense, youth football blocking i just found this great presentation on outisde zone blocking for youth football teams that i wanted to share before i forgot. The best part about the outside zone scheme is that it can be used in a multitude of different ways to attack the defense. Use the shoulder instead of the hands because the low man wins the war on the line of scrimmage and its very difficult to stay low if you are chicken. Limiting the amount of block concepts is very important in youth football. Teaches linemen and blocking backs to quickly get from their stance to a blocking position. It is used for an outside zone play and or when the blocker is uncovered.

The wr sweep is the base play of the offense and its most dangerous play. But traditional option football, which the zone read in part derived from, almost always involves reading a frontside, not a backside, defender. Zone blocking allows the offensive line to operate as a unit, creating fewer chances for missed assignments that can lead to a loss of. Maintain a football position feet flat, knees forward, hands up and. On zone plays, the linemen keep the same blocking schemes, regardless of how many tightends or wide receivers they use. Outside zone blocking coaching youth football tips, talk. Zone blocking was created to handle moving defensive linemen. Coaches have their kids perform 2 on 2 drills in zone blocking, teaching them advanced skills while continuing to stress the fundamentals of pad level and hand positioning. Equipment needed for these drills all players need to be in full pads.

I had an age 810 coach with very little experience tell me this week he got talked into zone blocking by a local youth football expert. A system designed to spread the field and run or pass based upon your personnel. They block one play this way and another play that way. Lets face it in youth football you can have mismatches of 140 pounds versus 80 pounds. The rule for the playside tackle is the block down. Feb 12, 2019 making the inside zone blocking scheme simple. Get 1st level movement dl with eyes on 2nd level lb. Blocking rules 5 blocking cues 6 blocking cues cont. The outside zone allows an offense to do this in a variety of different ways. Below, i explain how that method translate into oneonone blocks in the inside zone. Again, teach them well and you will go much further than teams which try to install 5060 plays without mastering any of them.

As defenses have made their formations and run blitz packages more complex and confusing for offensive units to block, the zone blocking scheme provides simplification in some ways. The insidezone running game is as old as football itself. Developing an install plan for your youth football team. Some of this post is in the nature of how we did it. It is a simple concept, but it takes a lot of practice because it involves offensive linemen working in unison and decisions have to be made while the play is taking place. May 31, 2018 in 2016, we originally wrote a football 101 breakdown of the zone blocking scheme.

Shoulder blocking the shoulder block has been our preferred blocking style for many years. We are always going to pull to get numbers at the point of attack or trap, but we arent going to expect. Zone blocking also allows you to better utilize a smaller line and still be effective. Even front 14 23 zone from multiple formations 15 24 zone 16 24 zone from multiple formations 17 slot 24 zone read vs. Jan 22, 2016 zone blocking youth football option offense by coach jim adam.

A primary goal of almost all offenses is to get the ball to a speedy player in space. Why the inside zone scheme is all you need ron mckie football. Included in this post are alabamas theory behind zone blocking under ol. If you want to score lots of points and have a fun and successful season do not use zone blocking for your youth football team. In 2016, we originally wrote a football 101 breakdown of the zone blocking scheme. This scheme lets you call plays fast, lets your kids be confident in knowing how to block every front, and lets you score a crap ton of points fast. Not working out blocking assignments for each play against each defense not trying to put the best players in blocking positions not using blocking schemes and techniques tha. Mar 29, 2018 design your scheme and blocking rules to match and reflect the blocking techniques youre asking the offensive players to execute. Part of the video lists zone objectives, or microgoals if you will, that explain exactly how zone blocking works. Fly offense the fly offense is a misdirection, ball concealing, deception offense. The zone scheme should be able to handle all zone pressures and run through. In addition, the offense can add misdirection in the form of motion, shifts or play fakes.

The wildcat multi spread offense a running spread offensive playbook for youth football by. If youve been following football for a while, youve heard of zone and man blocking, and you probably know that zone blocking requires smaller, more. If the 80 pounder is trying to push the 140 pounder in the opposite direction, he will lose that battle 99% of the time. Zone blocking schemes zone based blocking schemes have become the primary blocking scheme of many modern day football teams. Its origins go way back to the postwwii era of football, if not further, and it was popularized in the nfl in cincinnati in the late 1980s. Try to group your blocking schemes to be utilized in specific areas of your formation you desire to attack. Mar 31, 2009 zone blocking is one of the most discussed yet least understood strategies in football today. Zone blocking in a youth football option offense coaches.

Adding this movement to the backfield is normally very easy, its the blocking that becomes the issue. Adding this movement to the backfield is normally very. Maintain a football position feet flat, knees forward, hands. But the zone read, while a great concept, is essentially just a hypercharged bootleg, and works best as a constraint to control the backside for an otherwise effective zone running game. Why i prefer inside zone zone blocking in youth football. Sweep till they weep is a comon phrase used in the fly offense. With both skills, you first need to teach your players how to get into a proper.

You will also need blocking pads, cones, and blocking sleds. The zone runs or zone blocking are the run blocking concepts made famous recently by the denver broncos under mike shannahan. Pass protection technique we use fan principle manzone. Alex gibbs, the godfather of the modern zone blocking scheme. May 27, 20 the culmination of these steps, rules and blocking combinations is two major plays in the zone blocking scheme, the inside zone and the outside zone or zone stretch. Zone blocking is one of the most discussed yet least understood strategies in football today. When the playside guard reaches the 3technique and the playside tackle laterally displaces himself to combo the 7tech on the tes backside. Football practice drills 2 on 2 zone blocking drill football tutorials.

Zone blocking maybe not in youth football winning youth. All blocking below the waist, blocking in the back and clipping is illegal. The following drills will help players develop into great all around football players. Take slide step for pass set position on defender and get 2nd step down 12. It has been compared to the wing t and an option style offense. The youth colt youth practice shield is particularly useful for younger teams looking to use a zone blocking scheme. Add descriptive terms to the play call to change the overall blocking scheme you want the team to use. A gap blocking scheme involves the linemen blocking players in the gaps to either side of him. On the coaches command, they pop up into a correct pass protection position, taking a quick step with the outside foot, putting their hands up in a. The inside zone scheme can be run out of any grouping or formation. Another key advantage of the inside zone is the versatility of it. I was pleased with the results, and thought it would be a good blog topic. The article goes on to explain that gases offense is more about finding ways to exploit matchups than it is defined by terms like zoneblocking scheme, but that is.

Illegal blocking below the waist this is legal in the free blocking zone. The basic idea in run blocking is not only to place the blocker between. Gap blocking essentially is a hybrid of manangle and zone. Jun 09, 2016 the article goes on to explain that gases offense is more about finding ways to exploit matchups than it is defined by terms like zone blocking scheme, but that is for another post some other time. You must know qb setting pointdepthtiming for proper leverage.

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